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How to crack SSC JE (Civil) | Conventional SSC JE Civil | Junior Engineer Civil Exam conventional paper

 A very popular and competitive examination for Diploma Students is Junior Engineer Requirement Examination Conducted by Staff Selection Commission every year. This examination consists of two part ( Part-1 MCQ & Part-2 Conventional) for all stream (Civil,Mechanical & Electrical). Part-1 contains 200 marks and Part-2 Contains 300 marks. There are no interview for the post from 2015.

Lets We going to discuss how to Crack SSC JE Conventional Paper. There are 6 Question Every question has 60 marks need to answer any 5 among them. We all know the number of subject in civil engineering is huge number of subject and it is not possible to give same importance to all subject and its not necessary also.

The subject which need to be give more importance are
    3 to 4 questions asked from Building Materials every year. Specially From Manufacturing of bricks and cement and test related to them mainly physical tests. Timber and Paint is also very important for the exam every year alternately question asked from pain or timber. And a good number of question comes from cement also from manufacturing portion and type of cement generally brief description type questions. If you can cover this Subject Than You can easily obtain 30-50 marks.

      It is also a very important subject for SSC JE from this subject 2-4 question asked from this subject generally from cement manufacturing by wet or dry process testes on cement physical and chemical tests. Workability curing factor affecting curing,workability important questions. Concreting process is also very important question to be asked in SSC.

     It is also very important subject for paper to every year 2 or 3 numerical problems asked from the subject and also subjective questions also asked from this subject.

From surveying Numerical and subjective both questions asked in SSC. Numerical problems mainly from Rise-fall System, HI method and from Compass surveying and from latitude and departure. Subjective Questions from contour Definitions etc

Every Year numerical problem from Soil Mechanics are very common 2-3 numerical problems generally asked from this subject every year

  (f) Water and Waste Water Engineering
From this subject Questions asked but no regularly Characteristics of sewage, Water treatment methods are very common questions

These two subjects also not regular subject to asked in SSC  JE but in two or three years questions asked from those subjects.
2 questions every year one from RCC and one from STEEL asked if you have strength in design then you can earn 60 marks from these two subject or more
Beam are very frequently asked problem in RCC DESIGN and RIVET connection problems are common in STEEL DESIGN
 (f)Strenght of Materials
SF & BM diagram of beams a very common question to be asked in SSC. It also a very scoring subject of SSC.1-3 questions asked in SSC its depends on luck that this year how much question asked from this subject

1 comment:

  1. The lives of individuals are frequently directly impacted by civil engineering projects, which range from enhancing transportation infrastructure to offering secure. You can also check out about Civil Engineering Colleges in Nagpur here.
